Santa Claus
Nullam ut dictum turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris commodo volutpat est quis scelerisque. Pellentesque mattis sapien vel leo lobortis imperdiet. Proin a ligula a tortor congue volutpat posuere non est. Pellentesque feugiat erat quis risus facilisis, eu pretium ipsum placerat. Nullam pellentesque lobortis mattis. Curabitur rhoncus convallis ullamcorper. Sed vel facilisis urna, sit amet malesuada justo.
Aliquam auctor ante sed risus cursus fringilla. Maecenas fermentum augue quis tellus sodales aliquam. Pellentesque quis augue vitae nibh faucibus elementum. Sed ac hendrerit ipsum. Vestibulum cursus porttitor elit, vitae suscipit mi cursus sed. Praesent non metus vestibulum metus congue viverra. Proin a turpis metus.
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Contact us to see if we can accommodate your request!
Party Packages
Travel fee: First 20 miles outside of downtown Columbus is free.
Anything over is .50 cents per mile/ $1.00 round trip up to 70 miles outside downtown Columbus.
Travel fee: First 20 miles outside of downtown Columbus is free.
Anything over is .50 cents per mile/ $1.00 round trip up to 70 miles outside downtown Columbus.
Two Star Wars Characters
Light sabers are available for purchase to use during the party and for various interactive activities with the characters. The guests will keep these light sabers.
The characters will then do face painting and/or balloon animals and will end by singing Happy Birthday and taking pictures with you and your guests!
Jedi robes are also available for purchase upon request.
Deposit: $228
Three Star Wars Characters
Light sabers are available for purchase to use during the party and for various interactive activities with the characters. The guests will keep these light sabers.
The characters will then do face painting and/or balloon animals and will end by singing Happy Birthday and taking pictures with you and your guests!
Jedi robes are also available for purchase upon request.
Deposit: $335
Four Star Wars Characters
Party guests will receive light sabers to use during the party and will do various interactive activities with the characters.
They will end by singing Happy Birthday and taking pictures with you and your guests!
With this package, you will also receive FREE Jedi robes for your party guests!
Deposit: $423
Travel fee: First 20 miles outside of downtown Columbus is free.
Anything over is .50 cents per mile/ $1.00 round trip up to 70 miles outside downtown Columbus.
Party Add-Ons
Hair Glitter (12) $45
+$5 / Additional Child
Hair Glitter with Tiara (12) $75
+$5 / Additional Child
Tiara with Coronation Ceremony (12) $85
+$5 / Additional Child
Deluxe Coronation Ceremony (12) $100
Includes: Hair Glitter, Tiara, Coronation Ceremony, Personalized Certificate
Tattoo Upgrade $25
In Lieu of Facepaint